
  • 本園是依照蒙特梭利博士所言之精神而設計,因此整棟建築物本身就是一件藝術品,每一間教室有30坪以上,以橢圓形造型更有家的溫馨感覺
    The garden is deigned according to the concepts of Montessori. The building itself is a creation of a great work of art, with 30 square yard per classroom. The oval modeling make it like a sweet home.
  • 每間教室採自然通風,孩子之生病率較低
    Every classroom is vandalized. Children are not subjected to cold. 
  • 戶外以效法大自然為師,因此孩子每天身歷其境於大自然中,觀察動、植物之生命成長
    Children live close from nature and have lots of opportunities of coming into intimate contact with or having direct experience of it.
  • 養魚池、水缸生態
  • aquarium, tank ecological
  • 遊樂器材(含感覺統合)
    Amusing facilities 
  • 大沙坑
    Sand pit.
  • 百種植栽 one hundred planted


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